Sunday, January 31, 2010

From our travels....

Lucy in the sky, with JellyBellys

Chillin with the cousins after riding the roller coaster (note the coordinating purple clothes and they didn't even plan it!)

Kailey, aka Laura Ingalls (this was mine when I was her age!)

After one slide down in the sled, they just went on their bums. They have to hang on because it's so slick at the top of that hill. What fun!

Pure snow filled delight!


JenniferSH said...

Looks like you guys just had a great time! It also looks mighty cold in Minnesnowta. Brrrrrrrrrr.

gorunningmom said...

Love how you can capture the emotions perfectly in your photos! Of course it helps to have been there in some of them to know how much fun it was! XOXO